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Telecommunications in Russia

Sokolov N., Goldstein B.

IEEE Communications Magazine, August 2000, Vol. 38, No. 8

Eight years ago the article under the title “Telecommunications in Russia” was published in “IEEE Communications Magazine” [1]. In 1995 the feature topic "Telecom technology, systems, and services in Russia and the new republics" had continued the presentation of telecommunication development in Russia [2, 3]. The time passes. National telecommunications underwent significant changes. Some of them are described in this article.

Models and Methods of subscriber traffic calculation for Mobile Cellular Networks

Gershman I.

"Teletraffic theory as a base for Qos: monitoring, evolution, decisions"

St. Petersburg, LONIIS, 1998, pp. 293.

Some aspects of trunking system realization on Russian PSTN

Gershman I.

International Informatization Forum IV. International Conference on Informational Networks and Systems, 1996, pp. 188 - 198.

Introduction of Modern Telecommucations Equipment in Russia and New Republics

Goldstein B., Sloutsky L.

IEEE Communications Magazine Vol.33, No.7, July 1995

Distinctive Сharacteristics of Call Handling Procedures and Signaling Logic in a Russian Public Telephone Network

Goldstein B., Sloutsky L.

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications, vol. 12, no. 7, 1994

This article describes main peculiarities of former Soviet Union public switched telephone network (PSTN), signalling systems, call hadling procedures, charging principles, etc. General information about PSTN is also included. The primary goal of the paper is to show some specific PSTN features and give the classification of the existing interfaces rather than to describe existing exchanges in detail.

Russian digital exchange ATSC-90

Goldstein B., Koucheryavy A.

14th International Teletraffic Congress, June 6-10, 1994. Antibes, France, 1994

Switching Equipment Adaptation for Russian Public Telephone Network

Goldstein B.

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications, vol.12, No.7, 1994


Distinctive Сharacteristics of Call Handling Procedures and Signaling Logic in a Russian Public Telephone Network

Goldstein B., Sloutsky L.

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications, vol.12, No.7, 1994


International cooperation: foreing exchanges adaptation to the USSR telephone network

Goldstein B., Kucheryavy A., Sloutsky L.

Proceedings of the conference ICCC-92 Vol.2. Geneva, Italy, 1992, 641-646

Teletraffic Models in Advanced Switching Systems Software Engineering

B.S. Goldstein

13th International Teletraffic Congress, Copenhagen, 1991
Discussion circles

The report introduces the teletraffic models for the 5-layers methodology for telecommunication software engineering (R, A, S, P, C). The methodology is oriented on the CCITT language SDL-88.The class of telecommunication software teletraffic model corresponding to software development phases (layers A and S) is discussed: mixed preemptive and non-preemptive priority model with the applications to the analysis and optimization of real time switching software systems. Two modifications of such complex priority system are analyzed. Optimization algorithm for telephone program priority fixing is introduced.